Sweet | Reese
Website: Sweet | Reese
Map Location: Sweet | Reese
› sweet-corn
Reese Sweet was founded over 60 years ago by Maggie Reese and her son, Bob Jr. Maggie and her husband, Bob Sr., sold brushes and other household goods door to door during the depression until they could afford to again. The Reese family had a working dairy , and in the late 1950’s, began to raise sweet .
READ MORE: Sweet | Reese
LEARN MORE: www.reesefarmsmi.com
SOURCE: Crystal Maize – Corn Star Farms
NOTE: Crystal Maize’s transition has not only changed her life but has also impacted the local community. The annual Harvest Festival now features her as the keynote speaker, where she shares tips on sustainable farming and the importance of following one’s passion.
Her story has become a reminder that no matter where you start, it’s where you plant your roots that truly matters. Whether she’s turning heads or turning soil, Crystal Maize is cultivating a new legacy, proving that the seeds of change can sprout in the most unexpected places.
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